Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why do it?

About a year back I was in a really small class where he had to do lots of readings which we would discuss in class. For one of the assignments we had to find 3 random blogs that we found really interesting and present them to the class. One of the questions that we talked about is "why do people blog?" There's obviously no one single answer but the majority of the people in the class had a pretty negative outlook towards bloggers, saying that it was just a way for people to share their issues with everybody, as if their problems are so important. Although I had never had a blog I was a little frustrated with the generalizations and it was also no surprise that none of them had ever had one either. As far as I am concerned someone could have a blog for no reason whatsoever, and that's completely fine. However, for myself personally I usually need some sort of reason or purpose for what I do.

So why am I blogging? It is more of a challenge I have given myself than anything. I have so many close friends that are super creative people and so often I find myself wishing I could be more creative. Their lives seem so uninhibited by fear of what people think of them when they're doin' their thing. I'm frustrated with the things that hold me back from being a more creative person. Putting something that I have made out there for people to see makes me pretty uncomfortable and this is my attempt to face my nemesis. So if you feel like following along, great! My hope is that we'll both benefit from what this becomes. I'm not really sure what that is but that's what the journey is all about. I'm embarking into foreign territory!


  1. yahoo! i'm your first follower!
    welcome to the wonderful world of blogging mon ami!

  2. Thanks Jan!! I knew I could count on you.

  3. Very cool Kev. Keep writing dude, I'm giving you mad support.

  4. Very nive and creative blog you've got there Kevin. Keep up the great work. I'm following you know so I hope you look at my blog too.
